

Healing / Healers-

Bittner, Vernon J., You Can Help with Your Healing: A Guide for Recovering Wholeness in Body, Mind, and Spirit, Augsburg, ©1993. (using the twelve step process with study guide)

Covey, Stephen R, Living the Seven Habits: Stories of Hope and Inspiration – The Courage to Change. Simon & Schuster, Great Britain, ©1999.

Epperly, Bruce G. and Katherine Gould, Pastoral Care as Healing Presence, Alban Weekly essay, CLICK HERE to read article online.

Greenfield, Guy. The Wounded Minister. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, ©2001.

Hale WD and HG Koenig. Healing Bodies and Souls: A Practical Guide for Congregations. Fortress Press, Minneapolis. ©2003.

McDaniel, Thomas R., Dr. Luke’s Prescriptions for Spiritual Health, Magnus Press, ©2000. (theological perspective)

Nouwen, Henri J.M., The Inner Voice of Love: A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom, Doubleday, ©1998. (A story of clinical depression.)

Richardson, R.W., Creating a Healthier Church: Family Systems Theory, Leadership and Congregational Life. Fortress Press, Minneapolis, ©1996.

Weil, Andrew, M.D., Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover and Embrace Your Body’s Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself, Fawcett Columbine, New York, ©1995.

Weiser, Conrad. Healers Harmed & Harmful. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, ©1994.

West, Melissa Gayle; Exploring the Labyrinth: A Guide For Healing and Spiritual Growth; Broadway Books -- a division of Random House; New York, NY;  ©2000.

Wuellner, Flora Slosson. Feed My Shepherds: Spiritual Healing and Renewal for Those in Christian Leadership. Nashville: Upper Room Books, ©1998.


Faith and Leadership Website resource: Grace enters with the stranger. To access this resource, CLICK HERE.

Faith and Leadership Website resource: My own Jerusalem.  To access this resource, CLICK HERE.

Halverson, Delia; The Gift of Hospitality: In Church, In the Home, In All of Life; Chalice Press, St. Louis, MO; ©1999.

O’Donohue, John; Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom; Harper Colliins, New York; ©1997.

Pohl, Christine D.. Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition; Eerdmans Publishing; Grand Rapids, MI, ©1999.

Siler, Mahan; Anam Cara: Collegial Clergy Communities; Publications Unlimited, Raleigh, N.C.; ©2008.  For more information, CLICK HERE.
