

Young Adults-

Bass, Dorothy and Susan Briehl, ed.; On Our Way: Christian Practices for Living a Whole Life. Check it out by clicking here.

SOJUYA: Social Justice and Young Adults: an online blog (click here to view.)


Bass, Dorothy, ed.; Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens; Upper Room Books; Nashville, TN; ©2002.

Carotta, Michael; Sometimes We Dance, Sometimes we Wrestle: Embracing the Spiritual Growth of Adolescents; Harcourt Religious Publishers; ©2001.

Dean, Kenda Creasy; The Godbearing Life: The Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry; Upper Room; Nashville, TN; ©1998.

Dean, Kenda Creasy, ed. Starting Right: Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, © 2001.

Dean, Kenda Creasy; Soul Tending: Life Forming Practices for Older Youth and Young Adults; Abingdon; ©2002.

Dunn, Richard; Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students; InterVarsity Press; ©2001.

Hryniuk, Michael; Creating Space for God: Toward a Spirituality of Youth Ministry (journal article in Religious Education);  Taylor and Francis Group Journals; Philadelphia, PA; ©2005.

Jones, Tony; Soul Shaper: Exploring Spirituality and Contemplative Practices in Youth Ministry; Zondervan/Youth Specialties; ©2003.

King, Mike; Presence-centered Youth Ministry: Guiding Students into Spiritual Formation; InterVarsity Press; ©2006.

Smith, Christian; Soul Searching: the Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers; Oxford University Press; New York; ©2005.

White, David F.; Practicing Discernment With Youth: A Transformative Youth Ministry Approach; Pilgrim Press; ©2005.

Yaconelli, Mark; Contemplative Youth Ministry: Practicing the Presence of Jesus; Zondervan/Youth Specialties; ©2006.

Yaconelli, Mark; Growing Souls: Experiments in Contemplative Youth Ministry; Zondervan/Youth Specialties; ©2007.

Yaconelli, Mark; Downtime: Helping Teenagers to Pray; Zondervan/Youth Specialties; ©2008.
