Story Path Labyrinth

An Idea With Which To Begin

WHAT IS IT?               HOW TO USE               IDEAS               PHOTOS               PURCHASE               WHO ARE WE?

Choose a story from your spiritual tradition that includes the idea of “journey” as a key component (Moses and the people in the wilderness, Ruth and Naomi’s journey to Bethlehem, Jesus’ family traveling to the temple, way of cross/passion of Jesus, Emmaus road experience, Paul’s Damascus road experience, etc.).

In the Christian tradition, stories during the seasons of Advent and Lent are especially rich opportunities for this possibility; teachers often talk with children about “being on our way to Christmas/Easter,” and wondering out loud about “who will show us the way.”

1. Gather the children around the entrance to The Story Path© and begin telling the story; if you are using wood story pieces (such as in Worship and Wonder, or Godly Play programs), perhaps give each child a piece/person/character of the story to carry with them.

2. At an appropriate place in the story, tell the children something like, “...we are going to journey/travel/take a trip like _______ is making in our story. You may follow me single-file through The Story Path©. Let’s begin our journey.”

3. Begin walking The Story Path© with the children following behind the Story-Teller; the adult Greeter can follow behind the children. Follow the twists and turns of the labyrinth pathway toward the center.

4. During the journey, ask questions like, “I wonder if ________ got tired on his/her journey? ... I wonder if ________ ever got lost? ... I wonder what it was like out in the desert, away from cities and towns? ... I wonder if _________ felt lonely on the journey? ...”

5. You may also want to stop part of the way through The Story Path© to tell a bit more of the story, and then continue toward the center.

6. In the center of The Story Path©, invite children to sit in a circle (they may have to sit out on the lines/pathway if there are many of them). If your group has brought wood story pieces into the center, have each child place their piece on or near the green focal point, and then the Story-Teller can finish up telling the story in the center of the circle.

7. Continue on with the remainder of your time together as you normally would, while in the center of The Story Path©. If it is a Children Worship & Wonder (or Godly Play) experience, ask if any child would like to walk The Story Path© during their response time, as part of their worshipful work.

Innate Creations   •   Nathan Wiles   •