Pastoral Counselors & Therapists

Therapy and counseling is increasingly, ...

and healthfully, being understood as not only a tool for those struggling with acute psychological and spiritual distress, but also a spiritual practice for people who are currently in a good place, and seeking to maintain balanced mental health and vocational vitality.

Being in ongoing therapy with a good counselor is an especially favorable practice for clergy who need to facilitate their own holistic health, in order to be able to provide the kind of care needed by members of the congregations and communities clergy serve.

If you are looking for a counselor, click on the link (yellow words) below to search for counselors in your area. This list will also include the option for those listed to share particular areas of specialization in which they focus:


You can also use the Association of American Pastoral Counselors' Website to search for therapists at:

ACPE Directory

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