What We Need

We need:

     to step away from the turmoil of the world.

     to be quiet.


     to feel real joy.

     to be seen and loved.

     to remember who and whose we are.

     to confess our weaknesses and mistakes.

     to forgive and to be forgiven.

     to pray for the things that cloud our minds and break our hearts.

     to discover and express our deepest gratitude.

     community; to touch, to share; to give and receive.

     to sing and move our bodies.

     to practice our sacred rituals within a real respect for humanity’s diverse

     a religious life.

     to anoint one another with the peace of Christ, a peace the world cannot give,

     not an easy peace, not an insignificant peace, not a half-hearted peace.

     to be stripped of all that keeps us from coming to the common table with

     compassion for ourselves and others.

     to feel safe to tell the truth in love.

     to play.

     to celebrate small victories in our efforts to make the world a better place.

     to expect God/Christ/Spirit to be present and powerful.

     to leave room for surprise and be willing to be vulnerable.

We do NOT need:

     to think we know when those times will be in any given worship.

     to be bombarded with words as we are in culture.

The Rev. Joan Dennehy, retired Pastor and active artist, Seattle, Washington

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