
pacifism & a pursuit of peace is tough...

Such spiritual practices are not about cowardice or shirking one’s patriotic duty. For those who sense G_d is calling them into such a life, their future will include a great need for bravery, wisdom, and a vision for deep “love of country” in ways that are often challenging.

Historically, the authentically Christian communities of the church have stood beside such peaceful patriots, offering them spiritual support, guidance and affirmation as they seek to clearly watch and listen for G_d in ways that are not always supported by the secular political machinery of society.  

The links on the left side of this page are intended to help guide those who hear G_d calling them onto the sacred path of life-long peace-making, as well as to let them know that the church seeks to stand by these brave Christian women and men along the way.

click here for

Disciples of Christ




additional resources:

disciples of christ --

    beyond violence: faithful living

    christian peace witness

    disciples justice action network (DJAN)

    disciples justice for children

    d.o.c. coffee project

    disciples peace fellowship

    gun violence

    kids to kids

    peace sunday

    peace sunday packet 2011

    peace sunday packet 2013

    peace sunday reflections 2013

    reconciliation ministries

church of the brethren --

    conscientious objection

    deathrow support project

    global food initiative

    witness: peace and justice

mennonites --


    C.O. & militarism

    justice & peace-building


methodists (umc) --

    peace with justice

presbyterians (pcusa) --

    just living


quakers (friends) --

    american friends service committee

    carrie newcomer's The Growing Edge

sojourners (website)

    immigration and the bible

    war and peace - pt. 1

    war and peace - pt. 2

United Church of Christ (UCC)

    advocate for justice

    understanding the issues

other --

    art of peace (onbeing)

    being peace in a world of trauma

    brother thay audio pilgrimage (sof)

    carrie newcomer's activism links

    center on conscience & war

    consumer discernment app (buycott)

    daniel berrigan

    energy vampires: how to deal with them     

    energy vampires: how to spot them practicing peace

    feast for the soul

    fellowship of reconciliation

    gratefulness as peacemaking

    great bell chant (end of suffering)

    i am for peace -- song download

    just breathe: mindfulness for children

    learning peace through vulnerability - [d]mergent

    nonviolent peaceforce

    normandy beach rememberance: the fallen 9000

    one day: israelis, palestinians, others sing together

    peace-sunday resources

    practicing peace (

    praying with the earth: a prayer book for peace

    raven foundation

    single candle (david wilcox song)

    spirituality and practice: about peace

    the rifle and the robe

    why was jesus so threatening?